They’re designated spots where people can wander around with carryout alcoholic drinks from a business. On Albert Avenue in East Lansing, for example, the entire road will be shut down to welcome the city’s Albert El Fresco Dining Area. And it will stay that way all summer. City officials said what was once a lifeline is now here to stay. Cathleen Edgerly is a representative of Downtown Lansing, Inc. “We’re really excited about our social districts continuing to be a part of our future within downtown Lansing, and of course I’m sure Old Town and REO Town would agree too,” Edgerly said. “It’s attracting new businesses. Businesses who maybe were focused on one type of product or another are taking a different look at these social districts.” Edgerly said it’s good for business, but it’s also changing the way we dine for the better.
“We’re not going back to the way things were back in 2019,” Edgerly said. “This is how we move forward, we become more adaptable as communities and we become stronger too in our downtowns and neighborhoods.”There are three social districts in Lansing: Downtown, REO Town and Old Town. Not every single businesses is participating, so you’ll want to make sure you check which ones are. A list of participating businesses can be found in the Downtown Lansing, Inc. website.