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Volunteer of the Month: Paul Schmidt

Paul Schmidt


If there’s one thing Paul Schmidt believes in, it’s community. “I love to tell stories and be involved,” Paul says. “I’ve always felt that if you want to make a place great, you have to get involved. You can’t just talk about it; you’ve got to get in there.” As creative video strategist and owner of UnoDeuce Multimedia, Paul shares his talents with Downtown Lansing, Inc. through storytelling, activism, and hours of volunteer service. “Since relocating here in 2009, I’ve been involved with advancing Old TownReoTown, and now downtown,” Schmidt says. “I’ve helped with the economic vitality committee, volunteered for the BLOCK: AID and supported some activities related to the Lugnuts, downtown beautification, and much more. I believe in it.” What keeps Paul going? The future. “One day a hundred years from now, I hope Lansing is as vibrant as it can be,” Paul says. “The things we’ve built today—well, I hope the benefits of them are being reaped by the community, and that people are living the dream we’ve been working so hard to build for them.


Double your Dollars - Purchase your Downtown Digital Dollars gift cards on Nov 30 and have your dollars doubled while funds last